Wild N Indian Personalized Mug for Birthday Gift wm3001-aa

Personalized Mug for Birthday Gift


Personalized Mug for Couples WM3003

Wild N Indian Personalized Mug for Couple WM3003-AA

Personalized Mug for Gift WM3002


Celebrate everyday in style with our Personalized Mug, a gift that combines warmth, personalization, and the joy of special occasions. 🎈🎁

Crafted to bring smiles, this mug is more than just a vessel; it’s a canvas for your heartfelt wishes. Customize it with the recipient’s name, or a significant date, or a cheerful message to make every sip memorable. Whether it’s for a close friend, a family member, or a colleague, this mug transforms into a cherished keepsake.

🎉 Personalized Perfection: Add a personal touch by featuring the name and a special message that reflects your affection and well wishes.

🎈 Celebrate with Cheer: Make every day morning special with a mug that radiates love and happiness. Start their day on a joyful note!

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Product Details:

  • One personalized Mug
  • Material: Ceramic
  • Dimensions: 12cm x 8.5cm x 9.5 cm
  • Color: White
  • Capacity: 11 Oz
  • Microwave and Dishwasher Safe
  • For Personalization, please provide us with 5 images, name and message.

Personalization Guide:

Steps to add your pictures on a personalized mug order:

1. Place your order on our website or from other platforms and note your Order ID.

2. Send us Email on or you can WhatsApp on +91 7597579780 with your:

  • High-resolution images for better quality
  • Message / Quote that you want on mug

3. Mention order id in subject line

4. Name & Whatsapp number as we may need to send you the design for approval

5. Requesting to send your details immediately after place the order. For any query contact us on WhatsApp +91 7597579780

Care Info:

  • This mug is made of ceramic and is breakable.
  • It is microwave safe and dishwasher safe.
  • Made for the hot beverages.
  • Clean it with a sponge. Do not scrub.


  • Actual product color may slightly vary due to photographic lighting sources or your monitor/display settings.
  • Personalized/Customized products order cannot be returned or cancelled once shipped. Since our products are personalized and handcrafted for you, it is difficult for us to reuse it if the delivery is missed or returned.



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